The history of Kitano Seiki entails continuous contributions to various fields of cutting-edge research by offering a wide selection of R&D precision equipment.
Founded in November 1958, the operations of Kitano Seiki involved the planning, manufacturing and sale of precision equipment to research institutes of universities and government institutions, and later came to include the development and manufacturing of basic testing equipment for private enterprises. The excellent quality of our products and services continue to receive both trust and praise from our clients. In recent years, our company has been a leading pioneer in developing the technology of ultra-high vacuum and extreme low temperature including new materials, nanotechnology, flat panel displays, high-temperature superconductivity, solar cells, nuclear power, and space development, all essential to the most cutting-edge of current industrial fields. We have accumulated high volumes of technology and know-how, used to improve our customers' laboratory environments.
We maintain a strong partnership with researchers of diverse fields. Together, we challenge ourselves by taking on previously unknown fields. We work closely with researchers, supporting them by offering planning and development of accurate machinery and tools. We offer a consistent system of high-quality products and services, ranging from component production and various treatments, to assembly, installation and testing, that assist in creating an optimal research and development environment.
All of our staff constantly aim to improve their skills hoping to contribute to the success and development of our customers, thereby supporting the development of society. We strive hard to maintain good relations with researchers of various fields, gain the trust of our customers, and produce good results in our operations. We move forward steadily hoping to bring our activities into the 22nd century. We would sincerely appreciate your continuous support and cooperation. Thank you.