レーザー冷却原子生成チャンバー Laser-Cooled Atoms Generation Chamber

This chamber is the device system which can do generation / a trap of neutral atom gas cooled off in super low temperature of an ultra high vacuum. It have two vacuums room that can form a photo magnetism trap (MOT) of two steps of top and bottom and create an ultra high vacuum states by differential exhaust in a vacuum room of the lower berth. At first it supplies an atom in a vacuum room of the upper section and constitutes MOT and performs laser cooling and generates a super low temperature atom group. It send the atom group, which It generated next into a vacuum room without a background atom of the lower berth and I constitute MOT and do a trap again. In this way it generate a super low temperature atom group under clean super high vacuum environment. It can use a generated cooling atom for studies such as atom optics, quantum optics, and quantum information widely. In addition, by optional constitution, the use to the formation and spin Partial Polarity-Core of a cooling atom beam, an inclination / a diffraction experiment by エバネッセント light is enabled.

- 材質:SUS-316(非磁性材)
- 排気系:ターボ分子ポンプ排気系(1.0E-9Torr台、ガス非導入時)
- ベーキング温度:最高200℃
- 到達真空度:≦5.0E-11Torr
- Exhaust: Turbo molecular pump exhaust system (≦ 1.0E-9Torr : gas non-introduction time)
Combination pump (Ion pump, Titanium sublimation pump) (≦ 1.0E-10Torr).
- Baking Temperature: Max 200 ℃
- Arrivals Presser: ≦5.0E10-11Torr
*In addition, we will produce the model that accepted specifications of a customer, please refer to us.

上段 Upper MOT
下段 Lower MOT
- 87RBのトラップ
- 冷却温度 10 mK,個数 109
- 上段真空室の下に見えるのは下段真空室へ原子を送る輸送管
- 下段真空室にはオプションとして近接場光原子偏向器がトラップ原子下方に置かれている。
データ提供:東京工業大学大学院総合理工学研究科 物理電子システム創造専攻 伊藤研究室
- A trap of 87RB
- The cooling temperature 10mK, the number: 109
- The duct that it sends an atom to lower berth vacuum room that I see under upper section vacuum room
- Proximity ground light atom inclination device is put in the trap atom lower part optionally in lower berth vacuum room.
Data offer : Tokyo Institute of Technology graduate school general science and technology studies graduate course physics electron system creation specialty Ito laboratory
冷却原子ビーム生成装置 Cooling Atom Beam Generation Device System

This system is the device, which can generate a cooling atom beam in a super high vacuum device using light proximity ground of funnel shape. It consist of it from two vacuums room of proximity ground light a funnel department and the measurement department and create super high vacuum states by differential exhaust. In upper part proximity ground light flannel part, It generate a cooling atom beam by what I send into light proximity ground domain of the funnel shape that evoked a gas atom group of the super low temperature that laser cooling, a trap did in a surface of a wall among emptiness prisms. The cooling atom beam which Its generated is transported by the measurement department that is a high vacuum more of the lower part and measures it and can evaluate it. In addition, it can perform the various kinds of experiments that I used the cooling atom beam, which it generated for in the measurement department.

東京工業大学/Tokyo Institute of Technology
http://uuu.ae.titech.ac.jp/index-j.html 他

- 本体
- 近接場光ファネル部
- 原子輸送管
- 測定部
- 除振台(オプション)
- 真空排気
- The main body
- Proximity ground light flannel part
- An atom duct
- The measurement department
- Vibration isolated table(An option)
- Vacuum exhaust

- 近接場光励起用中空プリズムを使用することにより、近接場光ファネル機構の作動が可能。
- 円偏光レーザー光と反ヘルムホルツコイルを使用することにより、二重磁気光学トラップの設置が可能。
- ファネル部と測定部の2室構成による差動排気と200℃でのベーキング処理により超高真空状態(測定部で10-10torr以下)の達成が可能。
- ヒーターの使用により、200℃でのベーキングが可能。
- 高感度CCDカメラなどの微弱光検出器の使用により、飛行時間法による原子の測定が可能。
- 磁気光学トラップおよび原子測定用の多数のビューイングポートを備える。
- 原子輸送管(プリズム保持器を兼ねる)をオプション指定で作製するため、様々な形状のファネル用プリズムの仕様が可能。
- 各種オプション部品を追加することにより、冷却原子ビームを用いた応用実験が可能。
- The operation of proximity ground light a flannel mechanism is possible by extra, using an empty prism out of proximity ground optical pumping use.
- The establishment of a double photo magnetism trap is possible by using road according to circular polarization laser light and anti-Helmholtz coil.
- The achievement of a super high vacuum state (less than 10-10torr in the measurement department) is possible by differential exhaust by two constitution and baking disposal of at 200 degrees Celsius flannel part and measurement departments.
- By a road according to use of a heater, baking at 200 degrees Celsius is possible.
- Possess lot of viewing ports for a photo magnetism trap and the atom measurement.
- Specifications of a prism for flannel of various shapes are possible to make an atom duct (it serves as a prism retainer) by optional appointment.
- The applied experiment that its used a cooling atom beam for by adding a road according to various optional parts is possible.

It possesses viewing port (each direction, two engines, 6 in total) to introduce six circular polarization laser beams in total from a plus and minus direction of three axes. In one axis in three axes, wearing of one pair of anti-helmholtz type coils for laser cooling, traps are possible. Possess mechanism to maintain an emptiness prism for funnel form light proximity ground excitation in the vacuum inside, and introduction can irradiate a laser beam than viewing port of a device bedrock, and can generate a cooling atom group in the emptiness prism inside; is constituted. In addition, atom ducts support a prism for proximity ground light flannel.

生成した冷却原子ビームを下部測定部に輸送します。冷却原子ビームを生成する近接場光ファネル部と下部測定部とで差動排気になるようにコンダクタンスを小さく設計してあり、材質(パイレックス、石英), 形状(直管型、テーパー型)など様々な形がオプションとして備えてあります。
It transports the cooling atom beam, which it's generated to the lower part measurement department. It is small, and it is designed conductance so that it is it for differential exhaust in proximity ground light flannel part and the lower part measurement region generating a cooling atom beam, and shape is a direct pipe type, a taper type. The form that is possessed optionally: Optional designated choices such as materials (Pyrex, quartz), shape( direct pipe ,taper type).

Laser cooling, a trap do the cooling atom beam, which they generated in a loud vacuum degree again from proximity ground light flannel part. A spectrum measurement of the super low temperature atom group, which did a trap, is possible; is constituted. In addition, it is designed to be able to use time-of-flight method together.